Sunday, June 7, 2009

Carthage, Adam Ondi Ahman, Far West and Independance

June 4th – 5th
Carthage Jail was an experience all of its own. To see where the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were both shoot and killed gave me a feeling of sadness because they both were so instrumental in the roles they played in bring to pass the restoration.

I wasn’t able to go upstairs and see the room where they were shoot; but I was shown pictures and I felt the spirit of the martyrs Joseph and Hyrum Smith. They had the original door that was shoot thru and busted in from the mob still in the room where the awful events occurred. I cannot believe that a mob would be so angry about a person trying to follow the Lord’s command and bring about His work. I learned that the day of the martyrdom the jailer give up his room, from upstairs, which he thought would be safer than any other part of the prison. He will definitely be blessed for doing that. We went outside and saw the place where Joseph and Hyrum fell from the window; the spirit was so strong there-- Joseph Smith gave his life for the Kingdom of God. Hyrum Smith as well gave his life for the sake of the Lord and always standing by Joseph. It was such an amazing place – to actually be where these events transpired. I know have a stronger convection that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God and that those who help to protect his life will be will blessed.

We were able to go to Adam Ondi Ahman and view where the Prophet Joseph Smith prophesied about the second coming. There wasn’t much there, by means of a visitor centers or anything, just a few plaques. It was interesting though to read the plaques and find out the importance of this very special place. It had a beautiful view of many acres of land and the Grand River. The Church keeps such great care of this property, as well as all the other properties they have. We drove around to Spring Hill and Tower Hill where Joseph Smith had seen an ancient Nephi alter. Joseph Smith also set up a Stake there where the pioneers settled for a brief period, before being kicked out of Missouri.

We then traveled on to Far West to see where the four corner stones had been laid for the temple, as prophesied by the Prophet Joseph Smith. The first missionary to go to England dedicated this hollowed spot as a future temple site. They had to dedicate the corner stone’s in the early morning hours in order to escape threats of the mob again wanting to stop them. I love the strength and courage of the early pioneers following the commandment of the Lord; it has really strengthened my testimony of following the directions from the Lord when and where ever we are called. Though some tasks may be daunting it is great to have the knowledge of the importance of “the work”. I have been very lucky to have had the opportunity to take Church History classes and to have some knowledge about certain events that happened during the specific times and places we have visited.

The next day we went to Liberty Jail and Independence, Missouri. That was an awesome experience. In the Liberty Jail, Joseph Smith was wrongly jailed for a crime he did not commit. He and four other brethren who stayed with him in the dungeon of the liberty jail faced false charges. For a few of the brethren, having barely enough room to stand up straight, I am sure it was a challenge physically, emotionally and mentally. To see where Joseph Smith received one of my favorite revelations gave me sure feeling of blessings coming from trials and tribulations. By staying in the cold, damp, dark dungeon for four months it really tore at the brethren’s conviction of the work they had started. My testimony has deepened because they all handled their trials so well. Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. He fulfilled the work he was called and chosen to do. I am indeed indebted to him and the pioneers for bringing to pass the Lord’s work and setting up the Lord’s kingdom here on earth. Seeing the dungeon would without doubt make any one want to question what they were doing, but these brethren never altered in their conviction of the truth. I just hope I can be as strong as these wonderful men.

Next we went to Independence where the Prophet dedicated 63-acres for the coming of the Lord. That was an experience that I am grateful for; to be able to learn more about the Prophets’ revelation. I have learned so much about the importance of temples in the Work of the Lord. That is what these early pioneers did in order to solidify their testimonies of Jesus Christ. Here also is where the Community of Christ has its head-quarters. We didn’t go into their temple, not only because of time constrictions but because we wanted to leave this area with the spirit of truth.

Now it is on to Winter Quarters and Counsel Bluffs.