I was able to put together a movie/slideshow of our first stop: Palmyra, New York.
Continue checking for future pictures.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
Winter Quarters and the Kainsville Tabernacle
June 6th
Today was another special day because we were able to attend the temple in Winter Quarters. This spot was very special because it was where many pioneers gave up their lives trying to pursue the commandment to go the Salt Lake area. 6,000 pioneers gave up their lives during the trek to Utah and 600 of those were buried at the temple site at Winter Quarters. I love the experience of going through the temple. Just having the opportunity to be closer to the Lord is one often taken for granted. I know the temple is an important place to be, not only for our salvation but the service and salvation of others. We also visited the Mormon Trails Visitor Center and were able to learn more about getting to and leaving from Winter Quarters. The pioneers had to sacrifice so much to get to the Utah valley. We learned that they gave up so much temporally in order to gain so much spiritually. They followed the revelation of the Prophet Brigham Young without question.
We then went to the Kainsville Tabernacle. This tabernacle was the place where Brigham Young was sustained as the second prophet in this dispensation; with Heber C. Kimball and Willard Richards as his counselors. This was a special place because we sustain the prophet the same way that early pioneers did for Brigham Young. The pioneers knew this was a very special event so they completed the tabernacle in 18 days in order to sustain the prophet.
All that the pioneers had to sacrifice we will never know, but now it is our turn to sacrifice for the kingdom to roll forth on this earth.
Next... Home
Today was another special day because we were able to attend the temple in Winter Quarters. This spot was very special because it was where many pioneers gave up their lives trying to pursue the commandment to go the Salt Lake area. 6,000 pioneers gave up their lives during the trek to Utah and 600 of those were buried at the temple site at Winter Quarters. I love the experience of going through the temple. Just having the opportunity to be closer to the Lord is one often taken for granted. I know the temple is an important place to be, not only for our salvation but the service and salvation of others. We also visited the Mormon Trails Visitor Center and were able to learn more about getting to and leaving from Winter Quarters. The pioneers had to sacrifice so much to get to the Utah valley. We learned that they gave up so much temporally in order to gain so much spiritually. They followed the revelation of the Prophet Brigham Young without question.
We then went to the Kainsville Tabernacle. This tabernacle was the place where Brigham Young was sustained as the second prophet in this dispensation; with Heber C. Kimball and Willard Richards as his counselors. This was a special place because we sustain the prophet the same way that early pioneers did for Brigham Young. The pioneers knew this was a very special event so they completed the tabernacle in 18 days in order to sustain the prophet.
All that the pioneers had to sacrifice we will never know, but now it is our turn to sacrifice for the kingdom to roll forth on this earth.
Next... Home
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Carthage, Adam Ondi Ahman, Far West and Independance
June 4th – 5th
Carthage Jail was an experience all of its own. To see where the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were both shoot and killed gave me a feeling of sadness because they both were so instrumental in the roles they played in bring to pass the restoration.
I wasn’t able to go upstairs and see the room where they were shoot; but I was shown pictures and I felt the spirit of the martyrs Joseph and Hyrum Smith. They had the original door that was shoot thru and busted in from the mob still in the room where the awful events occurred. I cannot believe that a mob would be so angry about a person trying to follow the Lord’s command and bring about His work. I learned that the day of the martyrdom the jailer give up his room, from upstairs, which he thought would be safer than any other part of the prison. He will definitely be blessed for doing that. We went outside and saw the place where Joseph and Hyrum fell from the window; the spirit was so strong there-- Joseph Smith gave his life for the Kingdom of God. Hyrum Smith as well gave his life for the sake of the Lord and always standing by Joseph. It was such an amazing place – to actually be where these events transpired. I know have a stronger convection that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God and that those who help to protect his life will be will blessed.
We were able to go to Adam Ondi Ahman and view where the Prophet Joseph Smith prophesied about the second coming. There wasn’t much there, by means of a visitor centers or anything, just a few plaques. It was interesting though to read the plaques and find out the importance of this very special place. It had a beautiful view of many acres of land and the Grand River. The Church keeps such great care of this property, as well as all the other properties they have. We drove around to Spring Hill and Tower Hill where Joseph Smith had seen an ancient Nephi alter. Joseph Smith also set up a Stake there where the pioneers settled for a brief period, before being kicked out of Missouri.
We then traveled on to Far West to see where the four corner stones had been laid for the temple, as prophesied by the Prophet Joseph Smith. The first missionary to go to England dedicated this hollowed spot as a future temple site. They had to dedicate the corner stone’s in the early morning hours in order to escape threats of the mob again wanting to stop them. I love the strength and courage of the early pioneers following the commandment of the Lord; it has really strengthened my testimony of following the directions from the Lord when and where ever we are called. Though some tasks may be daunting it is great to have the knowledge of the importance of “the work”. I have been very lucky to have had the opportunity to take Church History classes and to have some knowledge about certain events that happened during the specific times and places we have visited.
The next day we went to Liberty Jail and Independence, Missouri. That was an awesome experience. In the Liberty Jail, Joseph Smith was wrongly jailed for a crime he did not commit. He and four other brethren who stayed with him in the dungeon of the liberty jail faced false charges. For a few of the brethren, having barely enough room to stand up straight, I am sure it was a challenge physically, emotionally and mentally. To see where Joseph Smith received one of my favorite revelations gave me sure feeling of blessings coming from trials and tribulations. By staying in the cold, damp, dark dungeon for four months it really tore at the brethren’s conviction of the work they had started. My testimony has deepened because they all handled their trials so well. Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. He fulfilled the work he was called and chosen to do. I am indeed indebted to him and the pioneers for bringing to pass the Lord’s work and setting up the Lord’s kingdom here on earth. Seeing the dungeon would without doubt make any one want to question what they were doing, but these brethren never altered in their conviction of the truth. I just hope I can be as strong as these wonderful men.
Next we went to Independence where the Prophet dedicated 63-acres for the coming of the Lord. That was an experience that I am grateful for; to be able to learn more about the Prophets’ revelation. I have learned so much about the importance of temples in the Work of the Lord. That is what these early pioneers did in order to solidify their testimonies of Jesus Christ. Here also is where the Community of Christ has its head-quarters. We didn’t go into their temple, not only because of time constrictions but because we wanted to leave this area with the spirit of truth.
Now it is on to Winter Quarters and Counsel Bluffs.
Carthage Jail was an experience all of its own. To see where the Prophet Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum were both shoot and killed gave me a feeling of sadness because they both were so instrumental in the roles they played in bring to pass the restoration.
I wasn’t able to go upstairs and see the room where they were shoot; but I was shown pictures and I felt the spirit of the martyrs Joseph and Hyrum Smith. They had the original door that was shoot thru and busted in from the mob still in the room where the awful events occurred. I cannot believe that a mob would be so angry about a person trying to follow the Lord’s command and bring about His work. I learned that the day of the martyrdom the jailer give up his room, from upstairs, which he thought would be safer than any other part of the prison. He will definitely be blessed for doing that. We went outside and saw the place where Joseph and Hyrum fell from the window; the spirit was so strong there-- Joseph Smith gave his life for the Kingdom of God. Hyrum Smith as well gave his life for the sake of the Lord and always standing by Joseph. It was such an amazing place – to actually be where these events transpired. I know have a stronger convection that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God and that those who help to protect his life will be will blessed.
We were able to go to Adam Ondi Ahman and view where the Prophet Joseph Smith prophesied about the second coming. There wasn’t much there, by means of a visitor centers or anything, just a few plaques. It was interesting though to read the plaques and find out the importance of this very special place. It had a beautiful view of many acres of land and the Grand River. The Church keeps such great care of this property, as well as all the other properties they have. We drove around to Spring Hill and Tower Hill where Joseph Smith had seen an ancient Nephi alter. Joseph Smith also set up a Stake there where the pioneers settled for a brief period, before being kicked out of Missouri.
We then traveled on to Far West to see where the four corner stones had been laid for the temple, as prophesied by the Prophet Joseph Smith. The first missionary to go to England dedicated this hollowed spot as a future temple site. They had to dedicate the corner stone’s in the early morning hours in order to escape threats of the mob again wanting to stop them. I love the strength and courage of the early pioneers following the commandment of the Lord; it has really strengthened my testimony of following the directions from the Lord when and where ever we are called. Though some tasks may be daunting it is great to have the knowledge of the importance of “the work”. I have been very lucky to have had the opportunity to take Church History classes and to have some knowledge about certain events that happened during the specific times and places we have visited.
The next day we went to Liberty Jail and Independence, Missouri. That was an awesome experience. In the Liberty Jail, Joseph Smith was wrongly jailed for a crime he did not commit. He and four other brethren who stayed with him in the dungeon of the liberty jail faced false charges. For a few of the brethren, having barely enough room to stand up straight, I am sure it was a challenge physically, emotionally and mentally. To see where Joseph Smith received one of my favorite revelations gave me sure feeling of blessings coming from trials and tribulations. By staying in the cold, damp, dark dungeon for four months it really tore at the brethren’s conviction of the work they had started. My testimony has deepened because they all handled their trials so well. Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. He fulfilled the work he was called and chosen to do. I am indeed indebted to him and the pioneers for bringing to pass the Lord’s work and setting up the Lord’s kingdom here on earth. Seeing the dungeon would without doubt make any one want to question what they were doing, but these brethren never altered in their conviction of the truth. I just hope I can be as strong as these wonderful men.
Next we went to Independence where the Prophet dedicated 63-acres for the coming of the Lord. That was an experience that I am grateful for; to be able to learn more about the Prophets’ revelation. I have learned so much about the importance of temples in the Work of the Lord. That is what these early pioneers did in order to solidify their testimonies of Jesus Christ. Here also is where the Community of Christ has its head-quarters. We didn’t go into their temple, not only because of time constrictions but because we wanted to leave this area with the spirit of truth.
Now it is on to Winter Quarters and Counsel Bluffs.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Nauvoo -- Beautiful
June 3-4, 2009
Nauvoo was just like the name describes, beautiful. We really had an enjoyable time learning more about the pioneers and what they had to leave behind; the beautiful temple they had just completed, their homes and probably friends as well as family. We had the opportunity to go to a session in the Nauvoo temple and had a wonderful experience feeling of the spirit and admiring the beautiful restoration. I can’t believe they accomplished what they did over 150 years ago, and us having machinery and the technology to do what they did so long ago. After the session in the temple, the President of the Temple came up and spoke with me and then gave us a private tour of the Temple. We were able to see Joseph Smith’s saber (sword) that he used as the captain of the Nauvoo Legion. We also were able to see some of the clothing that Lucy Mack had worn and a replica of the keys used in the original Temple. We also saw the assembly room that was almost identical to the assembly room in the Kirtland Temple. There must be something to that sacred room because they only use the room with the permission of the First Presidency. The President then took us to see the baptistery and see the font. When excavating for the temple they found the original drain where the font had been. Because this font was originally made from wood it is larger than all other fonts in our temples of today. What a remarkable thing it was to see how the temple was rebuilt and be shone around by the Temple President.
We then saw the statue of Joseph and Hyrum Smith that resembled them riding on their horses on spring afternoon, admiring Nauvoo. We then went to a show which was performed by the student service missionaries depicting old Nauvoo. Nauvoo was different than the other historical sites we had been too, it seemed that there was much more entertainment for families! The next day we were able to walk along the Trail of Hope down to the Mississippi River. There were plaques containing quotes from the people’s journal entries while leaving Nauvoo-- preparing to cross the Mississippi river. There was definitely a strong spirit from those who survived and as well as those who did not make it to the Salt Lake valley.
We also, that night, went to another play that was performed by the senior missionaries and the student service missionary; it was about how the pioneers would have entertained themselves with singing, dancing and skits.
The Mississippi river – I can’t believe the convection the pioneers had to have to cross the mighty Mississippi. In rain, snow, or freezing water and ice they did not hesitate to obey the prophet’s counsel which came directly from the Lord. Nauvoo has taught me that sacrifice for something we believe is a must. If they could endure those trials while adhering to the words of the prophet, so must we. The next morning we went to the Joseph Smith home, but were unable to go in because of the timing of the tour by the Community of Christ church. Instead we went to Brigham Young’s home (again I wasn’t able to go inside). Brigham Young must have definintly been called of the Lord in order to lead thousands to Utah. I have a greater appreciation of Brigham Young and the sacrifice he went thru as well.
One of the main lessons I learned from Nauvoo is that we need to follow the counsel of the Prophets and obey the commandments of the Lord. I appreciate so greatly the strength and perseverance of the early pioneers to follow the commandment of the Lord and move to Utah and build up his Church there. It has brought me countless blessings to be a part of this great Kingdom on earth. I know Joseph Smith restored the true Church of Jesus Christ and I know that Brigham Young had to lead all those that believed in order to set up his Great Kingdom.
Next, on to Far West, Adam-Ondi-Ahman , Liberty and Independence, Missouri
Nauvoo was just like the name describes, beautiful. We really had an enjoyable time learning more about the pioneers and what they had to leave behind; the beautiful temple they had just completed, their homes and probably friends as well as family. We had the opportunity to go to a session in the Nauvoo temple and had a wonderful experience feeling of the spirit and admiring the beautiful restoration. I can’t believe they accomplished what they did over 150 years ago, and us having machinery and the technology to do what they did so long ago. After the session in the temple, the President of the Temple came up and spoke with me and then gave us a private tour of the Temple. We were able to see Joseph Smith’s saber (sword) that he used as the captain of the Nauvoo Legion. We also were able to see some of the clothing that Lucy Mack had worn and a replica of the keys used in the original Temple. We also saw the assembly room that was almost identical to the assembly room in the Kirtland Temple. There must be something to that sacred room because they only use the room with the permission of the First Presidency. The President then took us to see the baptistery and see the font. When excavating for the temple they found the original drain where the font had been. Because this font was originally made from wood it is larger than all other fonts in our temples of today. What a remarkable thing it was to see how the temple was rebuilt and be shone around by the Temple President.
We then saw the statue of Joseph and Hyrum Smith that resembled them riding on their horses on spring afternoon, admiring Nauvoo. We then went to a show which was performed by the student service missionaries depicting old Nauvoo. Nauvoo was different than the other historical sites we had been too, it seemed that there was much more entertainment for families! The next day we were able to walk along the Trail of Hope down to the Mississippi River. There were plaques containing quotes from the people’s journal entries while leaving Nauvoo-- preparing to cross the Mississippi river. There was definitely a strong spirit from those who survived and as well as those who did not make it to the Salt Lake valley.
We also, that night, went to another play that was performed by the senior missionaries and the student service missionary; it was about how the pioneers would have entertained themselves with singing, dancing and skits.
The Mississippi river – I can’t believe the convection the pioneers had to have to cross the mighty Mississippi. In rain, snow, or freezing water and ice they did not hesitate to obey the prophet’s counsel which came directly from the Lord. Nauvoo has taught me that sacrifice for something we believe is a must. If they could endure those trials while adhering to the words of the prophet, so must we. The next morning we went to the Joseph Smith home, but were unable to go in because of the timing of the tour by the Community of Christ church. Instead we went to Brigham Young’s home (again I wasn’t able to go inside). Brigham Young must have definintly been called of the Lord in order to lead thousands to Utah. I have a greater appreciation of Brigham Young and the sacrifice he went thru as well.
One of the main lessons I learned from Nauvoo is that we need to follow the counsel of the Prophets and obey the commandments of the Lord. I appreciate so greatly the strength and perseverance of the early pioneers to follow the commandment of the Lord and move to Utah and build up his Church there. It has brought me countless blessings to be a part of this great Kingdom on earth. I know Joseph Smith restored the true Church of Jesus Christ and I know that Brigham Young had to lead all those that believed in order to set up his Great Kingdom.
Next, on to Far West, Adam-Ondi-Ahman , Liberty and Independence, Missouri
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Palmyra (Just a note -- we don't have a good wifi connection so we will load the pics when we get home!!! Or to another location!!!)
May 29, 30 Palmyra was really great. We were able to see the beginning of such a wonderful blessing: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We started off by going thru a session at the Palmyra Temple. The workers there are called to a six month temple assignment. They were all so nice to talk to and very cordial. The temple was a neat experience because it overlooked the Smith Farm and the Sacred Grove. There was a definate feeling of the House of the Lord being on Holy Ground. We were able to go to a session and soak in the spirit in the Celestial Room. It was a small temple but one with a strong spirit. We then were able to go to the Smith Farm and see their homes; again, I wasn’t able to go into the log home (which was expected) where Joseph had seen the angel Moroni many times. But the grounds outside were a Holy place as well. We then went to the permanent home of the Smith Family and learn more how they ran their farm.
This was the place where Joseph hid the gold plates many times while trying to keep them out of the hands of the mobs. It was neat to see the craftsmanship of Alvin (Joseph’s older brother) who had built the home so him mother and father could live out their old age in comfort. We then were able to go to the Sacred Grove and enjoy the peace and quiet of the wind whispering thru the trees. I never realized how big the grove was, but the entire place was holy spot. I was in the same place where Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ had visited the young prophet and I could definitely feel the presence of the Holy Ghost. What a remarkable experience Joseph Smith had and I was there in the exact same spot.
After the Sacred Grove we went to the E. B. Grandin Publishing office where the first 5000 copies of the Book of Mormon had been printed. The missionaries there showed us what it would be like for the Book of Mormon to be published in 1830. The Book of Mormon is so special and I know it is true. I am grateful for those that sacrifice so much so that we have it readily available to read in our homes.
We then circled back around to the Hill Cumorah and went up the back side of the hill and saw where the plates had been buried. Again, what a special experience it was to see where the Angel Moroni visited the young Prophet and where Joseph Smith dug up the plates. I never realized how steep and how difficult it would have been for him to escape those who were after him. I thought about having my parents’ take me out of my chair and log-roll me down to the bottom.
We didn’t!!! The next morning we went to the Peter Whitmer Farm and saw where the Church was organized and the Book of Mormon translated. The missionary there asked me and another return missionary, that was visiting, to bear our testimonies in the language of our missions (Tagolog and Madagascan). I was grateful to bear my testimony, out loud and in Tagolog, at the door steps where the church had begun 179 years ago. That was a neat experience. It is an amazing thing to be able to look back and see what six men started with the Lord’s help, the Standard of Truth has been erected.
One thing I never realized was how far apart these places are from each other. I always thought they were a stone’s throw from one another, but it would have taken Joseph and others more than a half days walk in some cases to go between sites. Palmyra and the surrounding places have definitely taken me to a better understating and a stronger testimony for all that had transpired there. Now on to Kirtland.
This was the place where Joseph hid the gold plates many times while trying to keep them out of the hands of the mobs. It was neat to see the craftsmanship of Alvin (Joseph’s older brother) who had built the home so him mother and father could live out their old age in comfort. We then were able to go to the Sacred Grove and enjoy the peace and quiet of the wind whispering thru the trees. I never realized how big the grove was, but the entire place was holy spot. I was in the same place where Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ had visited the young prophet and I could definitely feel the presence of the Holy Ghost. What a remarkable experience Joseph Smith had and I was there in the exact same spot.
After the Sacred Grove we went to the E. B. Grandin Publishing office where the first 5000 copies of the Book of Mormon had been printed. The missionaries there showed us what it would be like for the Book of Mormon to be published in 1830. The Book of Mormon is so special and I know it is true. I am grateful for those that sacrifice so much so that we have it readily available to read in our homes.
We then circled back around to the Hill Cumorah and went up the back side of the hill and saw where the plates had been buried. Again, what a special experience it was to see where the Angel Moroni visited the young Prophet and where Joseph Smith dug up the plates. I never realized how steep and how difficult it would have been for him to escape those who were after him. I thought about having my parents’ take me out of my chair and log-roll me down to the bottom.
We didn’t!!! The next morning we went to the Peter Whitmer Farm and saw where the Church was organized and the Book of Mormon translated. The missionary there asked me and another return missionary, that was visiting, to bear our testimonies in the language of our missions (Tagolog and Madagascan). I was grateful to bear my testimony, out loud and in Tagolog, at the door steps where the church had begun 179 years ago. That was a neat experience. It is an amazing thing to be able to look back and see what six men started with the Lord’s help, the Standard of Truth has been erected.
One thing I never realized was how far apart these places are from each other. I always thought they were a stone’s throw from one another, but it would have taken Joseph and others more than a half days walk in some cases to go between sites. Palmyra and the surrounding places have definitely taken me to a better understating and a stronger testimony for all that had transpired there. Now on to Kirtland.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Rain Soaked RV

After two days of driving in the rain and getting turned around a little bit we made it to one of our stops, the John Johnson farm, in Hiram, Ohio. I was able to get into the house, the doors were wide enough and the floors strong enough to hold me. That in-and -of- itself is a blessing. I wasn’t able to go upstairs, which was expected. But I was able to visit with the host missionary and an older gentleman from England. It was fun to be able to talk with him and the missionary about how special this place really was. (Side note, the English gentleman said, “Cheerio” when he left – like a real Englishman!!!) I have a new found respect for the distances and the places that the pioneers had to travel and also for what they had to go thru, especially the Prophet Joseph Smith in order to build up the kingdom. This was the home the Prophet Joseph Smith started translating the Bible. It was neat to learn a lot about the Johnson family and how much they had sacrificed for the Church. Here also Joseph Smith was dragged out of the home and tarred and feathered. The twins he had adopted were sick and the little boy was left in the cold during the night and ultimately died. It was really special to see where this had actually taken place. I could feel the spirit so strongly there. Just being here in the place where the prophet lived and walked is definitely a special feeling. After the John Johnson farm we headed to New York to see Niagara Falls. It was impressive to see how powerful the water was and how large the falls actually are on the Canadian side. Tomorrow is on to Palmyra.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
The Day Before
The night before we are about to leave Palmyra New York in order to go to the church history sites. Ever since knowing that we were going to go on this church history vacation I had set a goal to finish reading the Doctrine and Covenants. What a remarkable feeling it was to accomplish this and to feel the Spirit so strongly as I read the revelations given to Joseph Smith in Kirtland, Nauvoo, and all the other places he received revelations from.
Now I have the opportunity to go where he was and to strengthen my testimony of him being a Prophet of the Lord. I am so excited to have the opportunity to go. Just to have the opportunity to feel the Spirit so strongly is definitely worth the 2000+ miles we will be traveling.
Now I have the opportunity to go where he was and to strengthen my testimony of him being a Prophet of the Lord. I am so excited to have the opportunity to go. Just to have the opportunity to feel the Spirit so strongly is definitely worth the 2000+ miles we will be traveling.
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